How do I tell my parents to stop asking me for money?

My family is kind of in a tough spot right now, and they keep asking me for cash. The problem is, I'm running out of money for myself, and it feels really weird giving my parents cash.

This past week, I've leant them over $200 for basic groceries and amities. Now they want me to pay for my little brother's birthday party, too, which will be another couple hundred. I don't know what is causing this sudden financial trouble since both my parents have steady jobs and nothing has changed at all lately, but it seems like they've started asking me for crazy amounts of cash to the point where I have nothing left for myself.

I'm only 14 and the only job I have is babysitting. I was saving up the money I made for myself so I could get a computer, not to pay for my brother's elaborate 12th birthday party or for my parents' groceries. I tried telling them this, but they just said I was being selfish and I should try to support my brother.

How do I get them to stop borrowing money I know they probably won't repay me? It just seems really unfair to me that I have to fund my brother's party (I'm not even getting a party, by the way) and all this other stuff.


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It's not as simple as the first answer says. You sound smart, and if it was that simple, you wouldn't be here asking about it!

If your parents are struggling and want you to help with food expenses, this is a bit unusual, but it's certainly not unheard of. In prior generations, this was the norm. So you probably need to suck it up where that's concerned.

However, asking you to pay for your brother's birthday party is ridiculous. When families are going through tough times, this is the type of thing they give up.

Have you tried talking to one of them? Obviously, you would pick the parent who would be most responsive. Ask questions, like how long will this go on? Also, ask this parent if they've stopped to think how it feels when one sib gets a birthday and the other doesn't. Then ask how you're supposed to feel when you're the one paying for it!

Don't sound accusatory, because tone of voice is critical. Sound worried.

If they do force you to pay for the party, and they're not willing to discuss anything related to WHY you're being asked to do this, then you need to bring another adult into it. Is there an aunt or grandparent you're close to? If not, talk to your guidance counselor at school.

Pearl L2017-10-12T14:46:42Z

just tell them you dont mind giving them some money but you cant give them that much


Go to social services. That's abuse & it's illegal.


Just tell you are selfish about this issue, just like they are for expecting you to pay for an unnecessary party.


That's actually really simple - "Stop asking me for money." You basically just change the question mark to a period.

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