Is the pre-squeezed lemon juice in the bottle as good as fresh squeezed lemon juice, for losing belly fat?

If you don't know what I mean, RealLemon is an example brand


None of it (lemon juice or any other juice) is going to have a huge impact on your belly fat, but eating a clean, reduced calorie diet and getting plenty of exercise, will definitely have some effect.

Polkadot Pajamas2017-11-22T17:49:46Z

I’m more hesitant about drinking those lemon juices out of the bottle, because they have preservatives in them. Just get a juice press, buy lemons and squeeze your own.

Andy C2017-11-22T17:44:22Z

Poor fool.

All juice has fructose in it and fructose MAKES the 'belly fat'.

The bottle is as bad as fresh-squeezed.


They are both about as good as wearing a tinfoil hat. There is only one way to lose weight: burn more calories than you eat. You can eat anything you want and still lose weight as long as you don't eat too many calories.

Roger K2017-11-22T17:11:13Z

Yes, they are equivalent in their effects on belly fat - - - namely that they have NO EFFECT AT ALL.