Will the new evidence about corruption with Hillary’s e-mail investigation be prosecuted by Jeff Sessions?




no because jeff doesnt want his car to explode

Curtis 19112017-12-15T03:21:57Z

I seriously doubt the new evidence about corruption with Hillary’s e-mail investigation will be prosecuted by Jeff Sessions since Jeff is an establishment Republican.

Look how he ran from the Mueller investigation.

W.T. Door2017-12-15T03:20:46Z

Edit: The leftists on here use their sock puppet accounts to mass report my answers because they hate facts and truth.

It was revealed today that the FBI investigation into H. Clinton's illegal use of a private server to receive/send classified information confirmed she committed almost countless crimes and Comey originally recommended she be indicted. The "deep state" operatives within the FBI then changed it all to a nothing.

It was revealed this week the same deep state operatives within the FBI concocted the justification for the "Russia" investigation using the dossier provided by Fusion GPS which they knew was fake, and did so as an "insurance policy" in case Trump won the election.. They also used the fake dossier to obtain warrants to monitor the Trump campaign. They did that knowing there was no "collusion"between the Trump campaign and Russia, and there was no effort by the Russian government to assist the Trump campaign.

It is all an attempted coup d'etat, and heads need to roll. .

Note the reputation of the FBI may not survive the revelations. THAT may be the reason AG Sessions is resisting taking action against those involved in the attempted coup d'etat.


A better question is will the new evidence about Donnie Jr and Kushner using a private email server spark the same outrage with the far right?

