Am I wrong for being angry at my son?

My son is 25 years old. He lives with me and goes to college and works full time. Sometimes I let him bring his girlfriend over to spend time with him for a few days.
My son became sick over the holiday weekend. He was admitted to the hospital because the antibiotics he had already wasn't working, so the doctors decided to give him something stronger and observe him overnight. On Christmas day, the hospital discharged him. We both go home and we both ate and took a nap. When I woke up, my son's girlfriend was there. My son never told me ahead of time that she was coming over. That really irritated me, on top I stayed by his bedside and missed work to make sure he is well. Now they both expecting to spend the rest of his sick days off together, in our home. What should I say without blowing my top?

Pearl L2017-12-28T02:22:53Z

maybe you should go back to work since he already has someone to help him out


Tell him to let you know next time and that's it. What the point of being being angry at him?


It's his home too. It is completely reasonable for his girlfriend to be there while he is this ill.

I'm puzzled what you staying at his bedside has to do with anything. It sounds like you're jealous of your grown son's girlfriend. And as for missing work: be glad that you can go back to work in the knowledge that there is someone home making sure your son is cared for. This is a GOOD thing.

heart o' gold2017-12-27T06:44:25Z

Yes, I think you are wrong to be angry at your son.

Illness or hospitalization is a time when your pair bonded person pulls close to be with you and take care of you.

The problem is that they are in YOUR home and you feel that your relationship with your son is threatened. (Which it really isn’t).

I think it might be time for your son to move out...however, this is the wrong time to discuss it.

And as you said close to the end “our home”. It’s his home too. For the time being.


You could tell him that you want him to start letting you know when he will have guests ahead of time, and take some time to calm down and think about the situation before anything happens that you don't want to

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