I finally want to buy FF14 on my own account I usually just play on my brothers account but my question is what pack should I buy?


can I skip heavensward and go straight to stormblood? so i can get Red Mage or do i have to get both of them at the same time?

Mio of The Digital Haze2018-02-01T12:47:11Z

For all of the content released up to now, grab the complete edition that has all the expansions up to the latest one, Stormblood.

On your update, I know there's a Mog Station optional item that advances your story up to the start of Stormblood if you're willing to throw in a little extra cash, but I DO believe as long as you HAVE the Stormblood expansion installed and have either a Disciple of War or Magic to at LEAST 50, you can get Red Mage in Ul'dah. If you don't get that story advance thing, you'd have to do everything from the beginning, but once you hit 50 on a fighting class, you can unlock RDM.
