What's the worst part about being an adult?

For me it's paying for college. Highschool was sooo free πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and Don't talk about books.

Karen L2018-02-20T15:46:53Z

College! That's easy. Wait till you're paying for rent or a mortgage, light and heat bills, insurance, property taxes, house repair bills, food, clothes, phone bills, dental and medical care, and that's just for you. If you have pets or kids, the same bills will probably be bigger and there'll be other stuff to pay for as well.


meeting the wrong ppl.


Worst part about being an adult? Probably the way everyone gets mad now if you hump a kid.


That u re going to get old and die


school is dumb dont go to college

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