How could someone not know they're pregnant until they give birth?!?

I heard a news story about this girl who was sent to the ER for "severe stomach pains" and it turns out she was in labor but had no idea she was pregnant. How is this possible? Don't these girls realize they've skipped their periods for the better part of the year? Their bodies are changing drastically in pregnancy, don't they realize THAT? They really don't notice that ANYTHING is different? I get maybe not knowing for the first couple months maybe, like perhaps you missed your period because of stress or they're irregular normally. But honestly, how can you carry a baby to TERM and not realize it? Not to be mean or anything...but I think those people have way below-average intelligence.


This happened to my grandmother. She spotted through her pregnancy, so she didn’t think anything of it. As it didn’t happen with her other pregnancy. My whole maternal side of the family has also never experienced morning sickness. She also grew sideways and not forward, so she assumed that she was just getting fat. She also felt no movement, in fact they were about to pronounce it as a miscarriage until the baby started crying. The doctors had been unable to find a heartbeat and the child was only 4.13.


Some people can spot their whole pregnancy and not have signs. Others have non regular periods so think nothing of not having one.
One of the housekeepers where I work didn't find out till she was 6 months. Lucky duck had gained almost no weight gain and had no real signs. I, myself, had no real signs till I started showing as I fall under the irregular period caregory, but I tested every month just to be safe and was trying to concieve.

Beverly S2018-02-27T21:02:54Z

My cousin had periods during pregnancy & a crazy cycle & was very overweight. She found out when she was 7 months pregnant!


We were trying to have a baby. I just so happen to see a psychic (a gift from a friend because I do not believe in those sort of things, or at least I didn't until then). Anyway, I asked the psychic if I was going to have another baby. She said "Other than te baby you are carrying right now, no, I do not see you having more children." What? I wasn't pregnant and this perplexed the psychic as she said she saw me having a baby in August (it was March at the time of the reading). She corrected herself and said I will either get pregnant in August or have a baby the following August, but she sees a baby in August. Cool, I thought.

Two days later I went to have a scheduled OBGYN check up and sure enough, the doctor said "You are 16 weeks pregnant". I almost fell off the exam table!! He took out his wheely chart and said "Due date, August 20th". Holy Crap, how could that be. I already had a child, so I KNOW what pregnancy feels like. Yeah, my pants were getting tighter but I thought I was just getting fat. I had not ONE symptom. I had light erratic periods that I attributed to stress.

I got home that day, which was close to Easter. On Easter Sunday, I informed my family and friends that I had a fertilized egg that will hatch in August. It was embarrassing, for sure. But, typical to the pregnancy, the delivery was uneventful with one contraction, one push and he was born in 29 minutes, including a 15 ride to the hospital. I gave birth to a 8lb 12oz healthy baby boy. Amazing. So, women can be pregnant without knowing. It happened to me. Now, could I not know past 16 weeks after feeling movement, no way.


Because sometimes you don’t have symptoms. I didn’t know I was pregnant until almost 5 months when I took a test. I was a size 0 until beyond then and had virtually no symptoms at all.

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