Do you usually have to take the science lecture and lab to graduate college or can you just take the lecture?


Every science class I ever took had a lab class along with it and it was usually harder than the class. Good luck. Can't just take the lecture.


Look at the course requirements! If the class is 4-5 units with lab, it will only be about 3 units w/o the lab!

Sam Spayed2018-04-03T04:57:55Z

It depends on the class. Some have optional labs; others have required labs. If you're a science major, or taking a class that's part of a science major, typically the lab is required.


That depends on the degree programm and your you major, but usually IF it is scince course that has seperate lab section, including discussion froups, you have take an pass both the lecture and the lav sections in the same term, At SOME universities if there is good reason that you have to take the lab part of the courseat ain defferent term because of schedule conflitct one term, that MIGHT be possiblem but you still have to take both parts. For some degree programs that require scince courses as general education courses, often the scince courses are JUST ecture courses. there MIGHT "extra' classes, like observing sessions or field trops for astronomy courses. I was ahistory major for ONE of my bachelor's degrees. the general education requirement was one or two scince OR math courses, i took a total SIX scince courses,, 2 biology courses that did NOT have labs, two astronomy courses that for NON-scince majors, that did NOT have labs, and the two introductory level geology courses, there wasa discussion groupm for those classes , but thos were not like the 3 and 4 hour labslike the chemistry and physics courses required. some times labs carry no credit hours, other times they do carey 0,23 or ).5 credit hours..

YIt really depends on the SPECIFIC scince coursesm , your major AND the requirements of the degree program. Yes, usually do have to take both the lecture and the lab sections.. This is WHY i flunked second semester physics. i refused to go to the labs.. Yes, I knew what i was doing. it was conscious decisions on my part, not made out of ignorance.. Yes, i was also a geology major for SECOND bachelor's degree . I DID graduate.. I also, have a thrid bachelor's degree, and i did not refuse to go to labs or discussion groups.

Sometimes the teachers don't mind if you do labs or do lab work OUSIDE of the scheduled lab time. Other teachers do want you to do the lab at the scheduled time. i dropped a geology course because of that. when i was working on master's of science in geology. For the bachelor's os science in earth sciences /geology geology field camp in a summer session was required , BUT we had to that with a different university because Tulane does NOT run it's own geology field camp. The Grand Canyon summer course does NOT COUNT as geology field camp..

Not ALL science courses in college have lab sections.You are going to have to talk to academic advisers EACH term.YOU are the one who is responsible for knowing which courses you need to to take, NOT the academic advisers or degree coordinators. At some
point you probably will have a degree coordinator in addition one or possibly more than one academic adviser.


Your question is, "Can you just take the lecture?" and the answer is "no." The "lab" is not a separate course by itself, but rather part of the "package deal." You must sign up for both the lecture and the lab in order to get credit for the class.

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