Is it illegal to make art of National Parks and sell them?

I am not going to add the name of the park on the art but the art looks like the parks. Not sure what the rules are on this.

David 142018-04-11T13:30:55Z

That shouldn't be a problem.


Yes it is.


Yes and no.

It's not illegal to reproduce naturally occurring features like mountains and lakes and buffalo. However, names, monuments, buildings, etc. that belong to the national parks are protected. For example, I don't believe you can sell "Chapel of the Transfiguration" or "Roosevelt Arch" t-shirts or posters without permission.

They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage2018-04-11T09:50:26Z


About the only thing which you'd need to avoid is using specific trademarks.


Nope. They're considered "public property" and can't be trademarked.