What shall i do?
I'm almost always lonely...is it ok?
It have been like this since i was young like i have never changed or something. I'm an 18 yr old student now and things have stayed at is since i was 8. Anyways I'm just almost always have been stuck.at home and im unable to make friends cuz I'm not allowed to go out or got enough social skills. I know u would think ur an adult now but it's no difference i still live with my parents and i can't get out of it. I got ADHD and it have been always hard for me to maintain relationships so this also have an effect on my future as i am living this now. Um i kinda had a hard past and stuff so it all joined and results into this. I have never been allowed to even to go to a birthday party lol it's till this much. Anyways i don't know my mom and older sis are traveling on monday so I'll stay here at home with my dad and brother mostly they'd somewhere and I'll be home alone so im thinking of starting to prepare for my midterms which are after spring break but i don't know because I'm not used to study before a week over something. I'm not even close to my relatives or something.
So what do you guys think? Like any advice about what i can do or something?
Idk I'm kind of got used of getting lonely then following it the depression that strikes after it...but i don't like it.