Does this wedding not demonstrate one reason why GB is in the present state it is! England living in past, not ready even for 20th century.?


The fact that the world's media were camped around Windsor for several days and were interviewing anybody on the streets who cared to talk to them, preferably those who had come from distant places like Australia and Korea to get even a glimpse of the bride and groom, indicates that we do nostalgia supremely well, and that it is at least one way in which Britain prospers internationally, even if you look solely at the financial side.

The estimated audience world-wide was around 2 billion. Why rain on their parade?




Not at all, ever thought you might be out of step?
Billions watched the wedding, a few naysayers bleat on sites such as this.
The wedding was beautiful, a real celebration.
What was wrong with it?


Which part of the wedding relates to the past. Obviously you have never been to one, it was a normal wedding service.

Millions turned up to see it, but of course they were all wrong and you alone are right.

Jack H2018-05-19T14:31:31Z

Good point, you make there, I think you're right...

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