How to stop a toddler from whining all the time? He will be 3 and all he does is cry. When we wake up in the morning he cries. When he...?

doesn’t get his way he cries and it can last for a long time. I’ve tried timeout, putting him outside when he cries, but nothing I do works. Any advice on what will stop this?


Favorite Answer

Help him learn to communicate better. Help him with languages skills.

Stoop down to his level and ask what he needs. LISTEN to him in a very caring manner and really care. Kids can tell when you aren't listening.

If you're not sure what he is saying, repeat it so you get it: "Are you saying your black truck broke, and you are sad about it?"

Respond to his needs as is reasonable. If he cannot have what he is asking for, vexplain in a very caring way, why that is, and help him deal with it, even offering consolation, OR. a reasonable alternative.

"You must be sad your favorite truck is broken. Let's look at it and see if we can fix it."

Solution: Fix it/consolation if can't be fixed/possibly replace truck since it was his favorite (?).

If you don't sincerely respond to a child and show you "get it", they will whine until you do. They are pretty good at understanding, if offered true emotion/understanding, and reasonable alternatives.

But, you're actually putting him outside?!


He is probably crying for attention and has learnt that whining and crying is how you get it. When your son whines or crys just ignore it and out him in a safe space where he won't get hurt. When he finishes then go over and comfort him. You also need to focus on spending time with him set aside a little bit if just you and him time every day. It is about feeding the good behaviour and starving the bad


Let him. My parents used to just ket ne cry and complain to let me know i’m not getting my way.


Learn to ignore them when you are sure they are not hurt or sick. And do it now or you'll have a ten year old throwing themselves on the floor screaming. Not a pretty picture, is it?


Youve got about 10 years of whining ahead of you, then half a decade of surly teenage silence. Noone said having a kid would be easy

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