How can i get rid of acne from my face.?

Andy C2018-06-07T14:18:44Z

Favorite Answer

Stop causing it.

You do so by consuming too much fructose AKA sugar, HFCS, honey, nectar, juice, molasses, maple syrup and white flour products (most breads, crackers and pastas).


1. Wash face more often, three times a day is average. Use a wash rag, wash with hot water rinse with cold.
2. If you pick a pimple, scrub entire face again...germs from one pimple can create several more a day later.
3. Keep hands off face. Your hands have germs from touching stuff, you spread them by touching face.
4. Change pillow cover once a week.
5. Sunlight. A day at the beach will do wonders for clearing up acne. The saltwater and sand scrub your face clean and a slight sun burn forces body to reguvinate skin cells clearing up current acne and make red spots disappear.
6. Shower everyday, scrub scalp. If you think about it, there's a pattern, if you skip a shower, next day you get pimples...dead skin cells must be scrubbed off or they clog pores and can cause pimples and black heads. Greasy hair causes pimples too.
7. Avoid make up. And if you must wear it, scrub face ASAP when coming home, never fall asleep without scrubbing face and brushing teeth, those are rules!
8. Call doctor and request a roll-on antibiotic to help fight pimples, most times they will call in a prescription for you without requiring a visit.
9. If you have ugly pock-marks, dermatologists can give you an mild acid wash or lasor treatment to completely fix that. Call for pricing :)


You can google it for home remedies or else see a dermatologist.


The main cause of acne is hormone imbalance.

Try to do something to balance those horomes of yours.

Elias Kedward2018-06-07T13:50:11Z

Try bleach.

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