How do you explain your reasoning in voting election? Like you let non American citizens vote, yet you claim Russians, who are non American citizens, voted in the election. Do you or do you not want non American citizens to vote? If not then Trump won both the electoral college votes and the popular vote. If so why are you crying about outer interferences when you don t have evidence and that your party did the thing that you re complaining about?
I explain it by both of those assertions being false. "Left wingers" do not want non citizens to vote and they cannot vote. Similarly, no one is claiming that Russians voted in the 2016 election (other than ones who were American citizens)
I have to say that yours is the most ignorant rant we have seen in some time. I shall try to deal with your lies one at a time.
First "we" did'nt let illegals vote. That particular lie has been conclusively proven to be false. President Trump had a hand picked commission investigate the allegations which was disbanded after a year without finding any significant voting frauds by illegals. It never happened.
Second, nobody has claimed Russians voted in the election. What is alleged is that the Russians engaged in espionage, sabotage and infiltration during the election in an effort to affect the outcome. There is enough evidence already to establish that this happened. What is being investigated now is how far the efforts got.
The rest of your rant is simply regurgitation of extremist hyperbole based on the first two lies. One would think you wanted the Russians to get away with it.