Why are so many right-wingers ignorant? Their comments on an article about democrats cheating in the Kansas GOP Primary are numerous.?

They really don't know that only republican candidates and voters participate in Republican Primary elections.



Favorite Answer

There's a lot of ignorance on both sides. Nothing to get upset about. Just make sure you vote and if you can help others in your district resolve voting problems, that would be great. Some righties post that stuff just to piss off Democrats that read it. Don't let them get you rattled. That's what they want.


BRAINWASHING, that cool stupid treat, AHHhhhh....


its partly an aversion to education, partly inbreeding and home schooling


Seriously......and you think we are ignorant?

Doc Awesome!2018-08-09T23:43:45Z

hmmm... the butthurt is strong in this one...