Doeas God care about us as individuals?


Hi that is a wonderful question! Let s consider what the Bible says at Matthew 10:29-31. Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. So have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Few of us pay attention to every small bird we see, let alone notice when one of them falls to the ground. But our heavenly Father notices each one of them! And birds​—even many birds—​are never worth more to him than a human. The lesson, therefore, is clear: You should “have no fear” that God does not notice you. On the contrary, he is deeply interested in you!

The Scriptures also assures us that

“The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, watching both the bad and the good.”​—PROVERBS 15:3.
“The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their cry for help.”​—PSALM 34:15.
“I will rejoice greatly in your loyal love, for you have seen my affliction; you are aware of my deep distress.”​—PSALM 31:7.
This helps us to see that God has a keen interest in us individually our welfare and watches over us with loving concern. Jehovah God showed in a large way showed that he loved us when He gave his son Jesus Christ to die for us. Jehovah proves his love for us by helping us individually to take advantage of the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus said: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:44) Yes, Jehovah personally draws us toward his Son and the hope of eternal life.
Jehovah can therefore say of us as he said of Israel: “With a love to time indefinite I have loved you. That is why I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”—Jeremiah 31:3.
Don t forget that we have the privilege of prayer to develop a intimate relationship with God individually. He listens. He is even called the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2
I hope this has helped answer your question and has brought you some comfort. For more information visit


Yes! If you doubt ask for a sign!


Yes, as Jesus said, our Heavenly Father cares about us individually. We should “observe intently the birds of heaven”, he said. As small as those creatures are, they eat a lot of fruit, seeds, insects, or worms. For their body weight, they consume proportionately more than humans. Yet, they do not have to cultivate the ground and plant seed for food. God provides everything they need. For Jesus, it was unthinkable that his heavenly Father would provide food for the birds but not take care of the same basic needs of humans.

“Observe intently the birds of heaven;
they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses,
yet your HEAVENLY FATHER feeds them. Are you not
worth more than they are?” (Matthew 6:26)

“Humble yourselves, therefore,
under the mighty hand of God,
so that he may exalt you in due time, while you
throw all your anxiety on him,
BECAUSE HE CARES FOR YOU.” (1 Peter 5:6,7)

Bobby Jim2018-09-10T16:18:56Z

Very much so, yes.


When you go to the trouble of examining every born-again Christian's conversion experience, you quickly discover that their conversion was a unique experience. God dealt with them as individuals, not as a job lot.

When you go to the trouble of examining every born-again Christian's life experiences, you quickly discover that they have unique experiences of God's help, discipline and dealings. God deals with them as individuals, not as a collective.

I can testify to God's individual care of me, right from my most unusual conversion to faith in Christ, through 40 years of His loving (and disciplinary) dealings with me and my family.

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