If you save money at home, under a mattress, is this a tax benefit in any way?


Yes. You don't have to pay sales tax if someone steals your money and spends it instead of you.

Clark Kent2018-09-18T13:28:48Z

You don't have to pay tax on the interest


You would not get any interest so you would pay no income tax.


You would not believe how many people in France lost all their "savings" when the Franc went over to the Euro because it was all "cash" hidden somewhere !

Under the mattress is the worst place to keep your money .. what if it gets stolen ?

The best place is a savings account where the interest is tax free !!


Not that I know of.

However it is a courageous statement of ones personal liberty and resistance to corporate tyranny. When your money is deposited in a bank , you are enabling the borrowing power of individuals AND corporations who may not consider YOUR best interests or families health a priority.

Paul Ryan and the GOP would simply love it if Americans were dependent on Wall Street performance for their un-imployment , disability , welfare and MediCare benefits.

Look at it this way; if the KOCH Bros. decided to drill an oil well in your front yard you'd be all alone in your protest. Because you neighbors would rather have a $0.25 bump in their welfare checks ( dividends ) then join you in protest of your families lifestyle being flushed down the toilet. This or a similar scenario would be repeated in our homes and communities, all over the country.

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