Why did communism fail in Eastern Europe but succeed in China?


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Communism would have failed in Communist China except for the American Capitalist who formed partnerships with the Communist to manufacture goods in China using labor with no say in salary or benefits.

The Communist Chinese manufactured goods are sold in America by the American Capitalist and the profits are shared with the Communist Chinese Government that owns all the factories in China. .


The Soviet Union was spending over 60% of GDP on the arms and space race. China was biding its time. And then dropped any pretence at being a communist regime.


Chinese Communism is communism in name only. They are essentially a totalitarian capitalist society. They embrace capitalism, but the Party runs everything.


Communism in Russia failed because the government followed the original precepts laid-out by Stalin and didn't change, and communism completely ruined the entire economy, which has still never recovered to this day. In China, they pick-&-chose what will be communist & what will be capitalist. Their government allows private ownership of stuff, which pure communism does not. There economy is increasingly not communist, but their government is.


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