If guys are looking at porn regularly, doesn't that make seeing an actual naked woman less special? And therefore less stimulating?

And then wouldn't the sexual experience would be less special and stimulating?

Bikram rai2019-07-24T14:20:25Z

yes you will have lot of problems when you come to see a real sex.every one gets so excited watching porn as it is so exciting.When you face real sex life they can not have erection as it is not so exciting
Porn has ruined many many sex lives.So it is good to watch now or then but do not make habit of this as you will never get out of it.


I am a virgin AT now.

Alan H2018-10-25T19:21:28Z

Porn is for inadequate people.


Absolutely not.


It can make you less interested in sexual intercourse later on but I found that the more you watch and mastur bate, the quicker you will end a sex session if you know what I mean. your body becomes accustomed to just wanting to get it over with instead of actually doing it for pleasure

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