We are looking for a new sauce. I love a local sauce we have near us - it’s cheap and delicious. But my husband feels like it’s too acidic.
I know I could make my own but have no time. Really I barely have time to use premade sauce so I’m really looking for a sauce in a jar.
We are looking for high quality and delicious. Hopefully lower in acid? And really not the super expensive stuff either. A little extra is fine but not the $8 a jar ones.
make your own, takes little time but much better, you can add or take out what bottled sauces have added to them more healthy with no filler's unlike store bought one's. make a lot at one time, set in refrigerator until it cools down than freeze for when you need it at a later day.
Cut the acidity by adding a small amount of sugar - maybe a 1/4 cup per jar. It won't make the sauce noticeable sweeter.
Test it out by telling him it's a new sauce - because it will be - and see what his reaction is. You could even try the full placebo effect on him and serve what you already know and like, without doing anything to it, and tell him it's new.