Is Trump going to build the wall on the border?

Still Proudly Anti-Trump2019-01-06T22:49:14Z

Favorite Answer

Trump's Wall will not happen. Even were initial funding approved and the wall started it will not be completed during his tenure. And the next occupant of the Oval Office will drop it during his first 100 days in office.

The only reason it enjoys any Congressional support is due to certain Congressional Republicans supporting Trump, “right or wrong.” As soon as he's out of office, the only support it will have will be oppositional to a Democratic President. That's not enough to continue to fund a $72 billion boondoggle.


No. He is going to fall short of the border and put a minefield on the other side.

Then somebody will point out that he has no clothes.

The world goes wibble-wobble-wibble and we all wake up.


Unknown at present. It depends on how the shutdown ends. It appears to be a deadlock right now.


he's trying


Yes, he has already built some miles of it.

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