Why are the Asians so good at mathematics?


Their nuclear families are still intact. Where there are strong family ties, you will find family support which includes supporting the kids in school. They are encouraged to study by mom and dad, and there is academic competition among the siblings.

When's the last time you sat down together as a family and discussed school with your kids while enjoying evening meal together?

When white families began to disintegrate with both parents working and the kids not coming home right away after school, that's when math and sciences began to decline among the whites.

Jeffrey K2019-02-02T03:52:29Z

They study. (Unlike Americans who just play video games)


they are taught educational regurgitation at a young age. Not how to think & solve problems, just how to regurgitate information. That's the main reason they are 'followers' not 'leaders' ...........


Americans are generally proud to be ignorant. It is not just that "Asians" are good at Maths. Other people also are. It is just that Americans suck at it, because they are told that maths is too hard to learn. False.

Just look at how the actual president of the USA is poor at maths.


They study.

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