Would you date a guy who has gray hair in his twenties?

I'm 21 and I have a genetic trait that I get from my grandfather who got gray hair in his twenties and by the time he was in his thirties, he had a head full of white hair. My question to any woman my age, will you date a guy like me who has gray hair? I'm in college, I work out on the weekends and I work part time.

I'm very bad with women and they just don't have an interest in me but I'm starting to think it's because of my salt and pepper look.

Staap It2019-02-17T18:47:54Z

I had a friend who was BALD by that age. Honestly last I saw him he was in his 50s still never married.
Gray hair isn't that bad now is it ? At least you have grown rather attached to the hair you have.


Try hair dye if it's a problem.


Your package matters the most. I don't care about the grey...


it happens, had a friend who had white hair at 30 .....................