How much do it cost to get Florida Gun License ?


Somebody's Life


Is yo speakin' o' a FFL? 'Cuz thet be a "gun license." Like, Google FFL, dood.

Spock (rhp)2019-02-20T15:49:15Z

no license is required for guns in Florida [as long as you're old enough]. Concealed carry does require a license, AND you have to take and pass a gun safety course.

Some dealers require that you pay for the required background check. The waiting period is the longer of three days or until the background check comes back "cleared" -- whichever is longer

Persons who are not Florida residents may be denied.


You do not need a license to purchase or own a firearm in Florida. A Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit is $102 and lasts 7 years.