Why do many writers of manga and anime make a love interest for a character, but nothing ends up happening them before the series ends?

It happens a lot in manga and anime that a character has a love interest, but that character and their love interest don't actually become a couple at all before the series that they are in ends.

So what's the point of a character being a love interest to another character if they are not going to end up together anyway in the series? If there is no plan for a love interest to get with that character, then they shouldn't have been made into a love interest in the first place. I really hate when manga and anime writers do that. It doesn't make sense that they do that.


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People are crazy with pairings or "shipping", especially when the MC has several romantic interests. And most of the writers (and publishers) trying to capitalize that to the max, by "delaying" the actual end to the last volume/episode of the series, so people will buy it just to know with who the MC will ended up with.

There's loads of examples for this kind of practices, like Saekano, Oreimo, The World God Only Knows, etc. Even Negima didn't disclosed the MC's pairing, until the "sequel" of the series in one of the flashback after 100+ chapter.

But that wasn't even bad, since there are series that ended in "open relationship" (a.k.a not with anyone until the end), despite there's lots of romantic interest available. To-Love-Ru was one of the famous one, where it ended up like that due to various circumstances of the writer, but mostly was due to his wife that "kidnapped" her own daughter, and demands lots of money for one of the main heroine that ironically was modeled after her.


In cases such as harem anime/manga, the longer it goes on, the more money it makes, so harem anime end up almost never seeing a romantic resolution. It could also be that it is left open deliberately so the viewers can choose for themselves who the self-insert shell that is the MC gets together with, in order to satisfy their fantasy.
Romance can also be something that helps characters to develop, so actually getting together is not the point. It is merely a life experience that helps them to grow and develop. The point is character development.
Alternatively, it can also happen that the writer has no bloody idea how romance works, so they make a mockery of any and all romantic progress their characters make.


because thats drama


Plot holes are just characteristics of mediocre writers. Perhaps their crew didn't have enough time to develop a full story for release, so they let it end without tying up loose ends. They could have also added the love interest in as a space filler to make the anime longer or more intriguing to different viewers. Either way, I agree that plot holes are in poor taste in any anime or story in general.


A common theme in many stories because everybody can relate to it. The human condition has always proved to vital to just about any story.

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