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They seem to think that their lives are the only ones that are meaningful.
That is odd since they have allowed religion to remove the most precious parts of their life.
They can imagine almost anything, except reality. Religion is a very odd, yet strong affliction.
Well I'm a Christian perhaps you can tell me what the purpose of life is simply to live and to die except to provide food for the worms. there hasn't been one single man since the beginning of God's creation that has helped the planet Earth to significantly recover. If you're not helping the planet Earth to significantly recover then what the hell good are you? if you're one of those that are created simply to be worm food honestly what the hell good are you? You're good to help a fisherman have some Joy! Worm food! Who am I or who are you to argue with the wisest King that ever lived King Solomon who said it's all vanity and a chasing after the wind. I found after everything that I did that there's nothing better than you can possibly do but serve God and keep his commandments.
Doctor P
cases of rebirth investigated by scientists
rachel rasmussen
Nihilism is the logical conclusion of Atheism. I don't believe life is pointless if there is no afterlife, but it's tough to make a convincing case without it. With an afterlife, life becomes about investment. Without it, it becomes about pleasure. Would you work hard at your job Friday if you knew you were getting fired Monday? Maybe, but you'd have less incentive. Would you tattoo your spouses name on your back if you knew he/she was planning to leave you? Maybe, but you'd have less incentive. Would you put new tires on your car when you knew the engine was about to explode? Maybe, but you'd have less incentive. More likely, you'll slack off at work, cheat on your spouse and won't even waste 2 dollars giving your car a wash.
There may not be an afterlife, but I think it's easier to live a good life if I act like there is.
i dont know any christian who says this to be honest. seems like you need to direct this to the person who said life is pointless if there is not afterlife. i dont know many christians who theorize what it would be like without their religion.