Atheist asks Christian, "why do things fall down instead of up?" Christian replies to atheist, "i dunno, god done it! What's gravity?"?


Enjoy your imaginary scenario. The rest of us will try to stick to the real world.

I agree with Annsan that this is a stereotyped caricature of what Christians are supposed to be like to the extremely gullible younger generations. There are plenty of Christians with PhD's and Degrees and funnily enough Newton, considered to be the father of modern science, was actually a Christian.


Most people understand gravity.

David at Your Service2019-04-04T10:29:38Z

No, the conversation goes like this.

A: Why do things fall down instead of up?
C: Gravity
A: Where does gravity come from.
C: All matter has the property of attracting other matter. Some scientists speculate that there are graviton particles in the atom that are responsible for the attraction.
A: Why is matter like that?
C: God made it that way.


Science hard, hurts brain.

God easy, no think.


This is not only an unfair representation of Christians, it is not even a question. Please try to be a better representative of atheism.

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