Armchair Goddess #1
Favorite Answer
In the same way that Clinton-caught CIA official (under CIA Director GHW Bush for years) double-agent KGB spy Aldridge Ames lost all of his rights for betraying our country, so now has American-born radicalized Hoda Muthana betrayed and abused the honor and privilege of being an American. In essence, one could say that Hoda Muthana "made her bed" as the old saying goes, and now she must "lie in it."
She SHOULD NOT be allowed to reclaim her citizenship.
Spock (rhp)
She voluntarily gave up her citizenship and joined a terrorist state to fight for them. I think she should be handed over to the Syrian government for trial and punishmentt
Beheading is in order
America has enough enemies to let that *****back in
Tlaib and Omar are far worse isis terrorists.