If Jesus told his disciples and followers to keep doing this in remembrance of him how often should we celebrate or commemorate his Death?


Jesus invited all His followers to "Keep doing this in remembrance of me."

Keep doing what? Keep drinking the wine that reminds us of His shed blood, and keep eating the unleavened bread that reminds us of His broken body, "Until He comes". 1 Corinthians 11:26.The Bible is clear. Many are not. Some who insist that event must only be commemorated once a year fool millions into thinking that even though they are not in the New Covenant Jesus inaugurated that night, they can cheerfully dismiss the need to be born again, which Jesus said is necessary if we are to see, and to enter into the Kingdom of God.

Please read your Bible, John 1:1-13 and then all of chapter 3 and realize the awful situation millions are in. They publicly demonstrate every year that they are not born again. Even if they claim to have received Jesus (by faith) and believe in His name, they allow others to prevent them exercising their right to partake of the bread and wine, as all who are born again are entitled to do. They are not yet in the Kingdom of God but they tell everyone they have to become one of them to be saved to see the earthly part of the Kingdom of God. Well, Jesus said that they cannot even SEE the Kingdom of God! So how are they going to enter into it?!? They are spiritually dead until they are born again!

Jesus warned us about the blind leading the blind, and both falling into a pit. Many who only remember once a year, and who don't even accept the invitation to partake, deceive millions. It's not a question of how often, but whether you actually partake in the celebration!


It was on the evening before his death that Jesus observed his last Passover meal and afterward instituted the Lord's Evening Meal. The Passover, observed in remembrance of God delivering Isreal from Egypian bondage in 1513 BCE was commemorated once a year. Jesus told his apostles keep doing this in remembrance of me. Nisan 14 was the day Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice, hence would be the date to commemorate his death. Notice too, only Jesus apostles were there, those who would go to heaven to rule with Jesus. Therefore, only those who will go to heaven to rule with Jesus (the remaining of the 144,000) partake of the bread and wine at the Memorial. The majority are there as respectful, appreciative observers. This year the memorial will be held on April 19th. You may visit jw.org to find a location near you.


That was determined 20 centuries ago, Acts 20:7.

Wine About It2019-04-19T15:44:02Z

He didn't say.

He left it up to his followers to argue about and condemn each other over.

Donut Tim2019-04-19T15:40:38Z

He did not say to celebrate his death.
He was saying to enjoy the company of friends and to eat with them.

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