I’m a full time student mon/thurs 7-2pm. I have an interview at Starbucks.?

I was wondering how do I tell them I only want weekends and not week days and still land the job ? I’m nervous they won’t want to hire me. Or do I not tell them and say something after I get hired lol


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The interview is to see if the job is right for you as well as if you are right for the job.
Discuss your schedule needs, it will either be a match or it won't.
There are other places to apply if not.


You simply tell them the truth and they may or may not hire you. If you wait to tell them, they will fire you on the spot if they can't accommodate your schedule. Starbucks and stores like it have a pretty good track record of trying to hire students, but they can't allow every employee to only work the weekend shifts, right? So you as them what the hours are and explain your schedule.


Why can't you work later in the day or Fridays. If you can really only work weekends then just tell them. They probably won't hire you but its still better than lying and then telling them later.


They won't hire you unless it's a weekends only opening. You can't just go there and ask to work weekends only, they run the show, you don't.


What did the advert say about times?

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