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My manager forced me to work 7 hours without a break. Should I quit?

I feel like this extremely unreasonable. 7 hours without a break? 

14 Answers

  • 1 day ago

    I think it's time to grow up and learn to work. 7 hours is nothing.

  • 2 days ago

    No you should not quit--this can happen in any place of work. Geez--you sound like a little baby--a whole seven hours!! My goodness. How demonic!! 

    Seriously--that' s not illegal, nor is is  "extreme" or unreasonable in some circumstances. If it happens over and over, then--MAYBE--you'd have an issue. But once? Grow up.

  • 2 days ago

    a 7 hour shift you should get ONE PAID break and ONE UNPAID 30 minute lunch.

    Go get your employee handbook or look up your states labor laws and show him

    Source(s): I am a manager
  • 2 days ago


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  • 3 days ago

    If it was just one time, I'd let it pass.  But it's your decision.  Be sure to secure a new job before quitting the old one, of course.

    If you add detail about what the job is, and the geographical location, others here might be able to advise on whether breaks are customary, or even required, after such a period of time.

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    In about half the states, there are no breaks or lunch periods legally required.  That said though, most companies give them.

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Anonymous is wrong, California is NOT the only state with break laws. In my state, if you are scheduled to work 7 hours or longer you are entitled to a twenty minute unpaid meal break that has to start no later than your fifth hour of work. Now, if you weren’t scheduled to work 7 hours but were asked to stay late, you might not get that break. But from a legal standpoint, it does depend on where you are. That said, your question was if you should quit, not if it was legal or not. If you want to quit over this, go ahead and do so. If this is a chronic situation, maybe it’s worth quitting over. If it’s a one time situation, quitting is an extreme response to it. And it is never a good idea to quit if you don’t have another job lined up.

  • 3 days ago

    Some fields allow this.  Firefighters,  doctors, paramedics, rescue,  emergency repair, etc. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Depends no your labor laws and your companies policy, with regards to breaks. I've been there. My co workers thought I was there to cover for them when they took their breaks. By the time I got to take a break, I was supposed to go home. So there wasn't any point in taking one. 

    Look up what your companies policies are with regards to breaks.

    My company has the same policy as anna. But I'm not in the UK. If you've completed more then 4 hours of work then you should get a 15 minute break. 6+ hours you should have had a 1/2 hr break. If there were people to cover for you.  

    They can't expect you to starve the whole day or be on your feet for that long.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    You are an entitled brat.  If you don't start realizing it, you are not going to last long at any job.  California is the ONLY state where  breaks are mandatory.  Anywhere else, it is up to management whether they "choose" to give their employees breaks, and most don't.  So stop whining.  I never - NEVER got breaks, in many years of working.

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