Southside.. stay in the car and keep moving. Northside expect a,gay rape on Halstead Ave
daniel g
Only if you are looking for trouble,,then you are sure to find it.
W.T. Door
Nearly all of the murders and illegal shootings in the USA each year involve people who know each other and who are having a dispute. The # 1 motive for the disputes is drug trafficking and # 2 is domestic violence.
At least 75% of the murders and illegal shootings involve ethnic minorities as both perpetrators and victims. The percentage is actually higher since murders/shootings with "unknown perpetrator" typically happen in ethnic minority neighborhoods.
The above statistics are from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report: www.fbi-gov
No. In the cities, most people are nice. The blacks will not hurt you unless you try and hurt them. That’s the reason for a lot of the incidents with weapons. Racist people try to hurt innocent black men, so they have to fight back. Conservatives are so for self defense, yet when an innocent black man defends himself, it’s the end of the world
I see you
Just get Thor to lend you his hammer.