I hate Satan and I Love Jesus! I hate Satan because he’s bad and I hate bad! I am proud of Loving Jesus because he’s good! I Love good, ok?

Is it good that I hate the Devil? Jesus haters and Devil Lovers are bad and I hate that because it’s bad and I hate bad! I am proud of that! I’m going to Heaven, you know? I know that Jesus is not a fairy tale! I hate Satan! Isn’t that amazing?


yes its amazing


You’re even more delusional than geeseabovewhere

Ray J2019-05-19T13:50:31Z

I neither hate nor love Satan or Jesus because they are both make-believe.


Sounds like a personality disorder.


Jesus said we are to love even our enemies, dear. I feel sad for the enemy of humankind that they don't realize they can't win against God. But i will be happy when God removes all wickedness and evil.

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