Why is there a point system for answering questions?


It is to encourage people to reveal their lives so your data can be collected and sold to advertisers?


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To motivate you to ANSWER questions and choose best answers to your questions.

That is why you LOSE 5 points when you ASK a question. There is a limit to how many questions you can a answer each Yahoo "day." The Yahoo "day" does NOT end and start at midnight in YOUR time zone. Right now it ends and starts around 8 pm EDT on the east coast of the United States and 5 pm PDT on the west coast.


It's to encourage use of the site. You've already provided data by creating a Yahoo account, whether you ever use YA or not.


To Encourage other people to Participate on Yahoo Answers


It gives Yahoo a good feeling to have something they can take away from you without actually removing your account.


Because it helps you level up so you can ask and answer more questions.

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