I have not been vaccinated as a child, but I did have one vaccination which is the one I took age 14(polio and something else) What is the worst that could happen, what can I do to prevent this and is it better if I’m vaccinated?
You've been vaccinated only against polio and "something else". I certainly don't know what "something else" is, but by being unvaccinated, you're at risk of contracting diphtheria (one of the most contagious and deadly illnesses that there is); whooping cough; tetanus; measles, mumps; chicken pox; and German measles. I think you need to get yourself vaccinated. Cases of diphtheria and small pox have recently been reported among the hoard of unvaccinated illegals (who have never been vaccinated against anything) attempting to cross the border between the US and Mexico; some of whom are being held in holding facilities on the US side of the border. Those people can re-introduce those diseases back into the US; and you, because you've never been vaccinated, are at serious risk to contract one of them,
No vaccinations at all? Well, what has happened so far? Did you get any disease that other people are vaccinated against? I am not 100% against vaccination, nor 100% for all vaccinations. I decide on a case by case basis. I got Pertussis even though I HAD been vaccinated against it. They are not all 100% effective, BTW I did recover. And nobody caught it from me. I also know a woman who got Pertussis while she had a newborn baby. The doctor told her to nurse him at least until she recovered, to strengthen his immunity against it. Yup, even sick mothers, or especially sick mothers, are told to nurse the baby to protect it from the illness. Now, polio is pretty much wiped out in the US. But if you travel somewhere that polio is endemic, you might catch it, though probably not if you wash your hands and don't share drinks or food. So if you decide to travel to a country where some disease is endemic, you might consider vaccination. In fact, the US government requires it in some cases.
you can get what ever diseases come around that you weren't vaccinated for. AND you can have them before they show symptoms and pass them to people who are immune compromised or little babies who are too young for the vaccinations. Take this problem to your doctor.