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Is the Covid vaccine safe or could people die years later and they don’t know yet?

What if complications from the genetic therapy of the Covid vaccines means that next time you get a stomach bug or flu 

Your body might try to use the wrong immune response due to reprogramming from the Covid vaccine , leading to a new complication and suddenly colds stomach bugs and flus lead to new deaths all because of the vaccine ?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 hour ago

    It is safe just like the flu vaccine. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 hours ago

    No. And spreading misinformation like this is one of the reasons Y/A is shutting down. We've lost over HALF A MILLION people in the US to COVID- nothing is going to be worse than this!

  • 11 hours ago

    Yes, it's safe & no, the vaccine can't affect anything else. That's a bit like asking, "If I learn to play the piano, will I also be a violinist?" The vaccine is specifically  designed just to mimic coronavirus alone.

  • 13 hours ago

    They're based on existing vaccine technology which has been around for years. 

    In addition, it ONLY targets COVID - irrelevant to all other issues.

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  • 13 hours ago

    YES! Modern is 100% effective

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago

    Top Scientists from all over the world have developed it.

    Kids like you just take your info from anti vax sites, no scientific knowledge at all.

    They know what they are doing. Covid in some form has been around for decades, this is just another variant.

  • Ivan
    Lv 6
    13 hours ago

    The covid vaccine is not all that different from the flu vaccine. They simply built upon the existing knowledge to create a new vaccine for a new disease.

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