If your in a relationship and your man is talking to other woman. Texting and calling them behide your back is that cheating.?

My man was texting and calling other woman behind my back and lied said she was family so I add her to my page. Come to find out he was cheating he said he was not when I asked him but a friend found out he was and called and told me all about it. He says it is not cheating when we are just texting and talking on phone and online. I say it is. What do you all say. Thanks is he cheating just by texting and talking on phone and online???


Favorite Answer

If he has to hide it from you, it's cheating. There's no excuse as to why he had to lie to you about this woman.


He's a liar, isn't that enough of a red flag, and if he's lying, there must be something he's covering up. Don't cheat yourself by staying with this lying philanderer.


It's called emotional cheating and it's something women really struggle with when they find out their partner is doing this.


I would not put up with that. While texting and calling another woman (once) may not be cheating, doing it secretly is unacceptable. That he lied to you about it when he got caught is not a good sign. I'd cut him loose and find someone else.


If he can’t tell you the truth & be upfront about it , yes. You need to break up with him asap, because clearly he’s not the one

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