Need another opinion about this situation with my boyfriend?

Me and my boyfriend of 4 months just got into a bunch of arguments this weekend. He loves snapchat and pretty much is constantly doing it. I didn't mind it until I saw names of people I didn't know. He sends me post shower snaps (nothing to revealing) and says im the only one to get them. However, I went on his phone and he was txting this girl he matched on Tinder with and it looks like she received the same ones. Now, this girl periodically hit him up late at night to "Hang" at her place and from the txt my boyfriend never said yes, but also never mentioned he had a girlfriend. He has since then blocked and removed. The situation sucks but, again he just uses snapchat constantly and it really look like nothing happened. Thoughts?


Personally if that happened to me I would be thinking things and asking myself what is he hiding? Because why would he suddenly have people on there that you don't know? And he's always on it? and what do you mean he matched on tinder with? is he still using it when he's in a relationship with you? You should speak to him about all all of this calmly and tell him to tell you what's going on because to me it looks like he's talking to other girls and sendind them snaps, you just said he's been sending the same snaps to you and someone else and what does that tell you? He's clearly lieing so that asks the question what else has he lied about and what else is he lying about? I hope my advice helps I didn't mean to sound harsh or anything:)


Whatever he did already happened and if you let it go now, you always will. Don't let anyone, especially a boyfriend of ONLY 4 months do you this way. Getting into a relationship you both should equally be into each other and ONLY into each other. Why be with someone who's not all in it for YOU? If he don't wanna act right and appreciate the queen he has, leave him sis.