Would you be weirded out?

Ok so i was doing my night runs that i do 3 times wk.. usually run at 9:30 pm but i was busy doing school work.. so i ran at 11:30 at night.. i live in a safe upper middle class neighborhood so i dnt really feel that nervous running at night (also carry a knife just in case.. slight contradiction ik) ..but heading back from my run i notice my neighbor whos down the road from my house walk out his house.. and its almost midnight.. and so i wave.. he looks weirded out but waves.. and then this silver mustang pulls up and drops off this box and speeds off.. 0.o did i witness a drug deal or something? I mean who knows.. it could have been food... lol


You wish you lived in an upper middle class neighbourhood. You live in a slum and compensate by calling people libtards lmao. Back to your open sewer of a home, Amy.


As long as it doesn't involve you then it doesn't matter what he was doing, I usually walk late at night to my old school wishing I can go back in time to 2011 7th grade and apologize to the kid I bullied.


upper class or middle class or lower class there’s sketchy stuff al over probably more likely to get mugged burgled etc in higher class areas than lower really plus you carry a knife so obviously don’t feel it that safe, it may have been a friend dropping something off my have been something dodgy,in all honesty if doesn’t affect you I wouldn’t bother about it


You know those stories about people who wake up in bathtubs with their kidneys removed? That's one of those deals. They always use silver mustangs at midnight to transfer the stolen kidneys.


Who cares... just smoke a joint and stop worrying about other people.

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