My friend is a slave to his lazy mother?

He is 27 years old, he still lives with his mother literally being her slave.

He has no job, be has no girlfriend or family of his own, and he rarely even leaves the house. When we are hanging out, he often abruptly leaves because his mother needs something. That is when i can get him to leave the house at all. Most often he does not come because his mother may need something.

He cooks for her, cleans for her, takes care of the house and the yard. He goes shopping and does literally everything while she does nothing but watch TV all day. She has no job either because she got fired a couple of years ago, and now they are living off welfare.

She is not ill or disabled in any way aside from being grossly obese.

He is constantly depressed because of his life, but refuses to change anything. I keep telling him to try and get a job and get rid of her because she is ruining his life. But he always blows me off, saying he can not do that to his mother.

He has very low self-esteem and never stands up to her. And the few times that he does, she threatens to thrown him out of the house.

I feel sorry for him, ke is a very smart, kind and honest guy, and i would like to help him. But i don't know how, since his is unwilling to do anything himself.


The question is, what can i do to help him?

And should i even try?


He had a job not long ago for a bout two months.

He got fired because his mother would constantly call him demanding that he come home because something happened, which was usually the most mundane crap. Like the washing machine sounding funny etc.

And she took most of his salary from him any way, saying that it was for the house.


You sound like a kind, loving soul... with a heart of compassion for your friend.

Pray for him and for his mother.
It's the least and the MOST you can do.

Be aware: when you pray for people, they tend to get worse before they get better as God starts to deal with them.

No one can change unless they want to.... there is comfort in the familiar.

Barney Google2019-08-24T13:41:02Z

Your friend is clearly attached to is mother in spite of her selfishness. It is not healthy. it your job to change his esteem, his dependence? Anything would look like an impulsive move. That is only what you can do. Suggestion---Get some friends together and go camping, or do a BBQ. Go running or jogging with him? That.
If the boy does not go, let it go.


All you can do is hope that she has a heart attack soon.

Barry Reed2019-08-24T13:08:00Z

Yeah, I liked that movie the first time I saw it... when it was called "Psycho".


That is his choice.

A man is NEVER a man...until he leaves the nest...and builds his own.

This is why "butch" women...are getting all the girls.

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