Favorite Answer
No, if your question is reported by other users enough times it could have been removed. In that case, you do not get your points back, but you would lose 10 more points for a violation.
Users who answered your question who were not reported do not lose any points. including the best answer. But if an answer was also reported enough times before the question was removed, that user loses 10 points.
If your question gets deleted you get 10 points back if you appeal and win. They keep their points unless their answer gets reported.
You do not get your Points Back if it gets Deleted in Fact if it gets Reported and Deleted you get more Points Taken away -10 Points
The people who Answered your Question there Points Remain unless someone Reported there Answer Before the Question got taken down
Pearl L
i dont think anyone gets their points back
No, if your question is reported enough to get removed, you don't get your 5 pts back, but you lose 10 more points for it being a violation (hopefully it wasn't wrongfully reported).
The users who responded to it do not lose their 2 pts for posting an answer (or 10 pts if you had already selected a Best Answer). If any answer was also reported enough to get removed before the question was removed, that user loses 10 pts also.