What ever happened to Republican integrity?

believing in yourself enough to have emotional maturity, respecting oneself enough to respect others, being civil and decent to others, where have all these qualities in fellow Republicans gone?

We must not let the fears of the great emancipator, Abe Lincoln, come true.... Do NOT let "A government of the people, by the people, and for the people EVER parish from this Earth".


I am a lifelong liberal Independent, and I would give my eye teeth for the Republican Party of the past. I rarely agreed with them on policy, but I at least had a sense that they wanted the best for this country, and had some semblance of a moral compass.


It was established in the 1950's that at least 95% of conservative voters are worse-off when there's a conservative government. That percentage has increased! The true consequences of holding Right-wing political views are far far worse than any of them will believe in this life.


I love the line from "Josey Wales" --- Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." ... That is exactly what "Trickel down economics" is. Republicans have NEVER had integrity. They created the great depression of the 1930s. Lets not even talk about "I am not a crook" Nixon. Then Reagan's trickle-down policy kept the recession going for at least 2 more years (he reversed it and increased taxes to end the recession). Then the crooked bankers in thru Bush2 got another recession for their "toxic" investments. So you tell me where the integrity ever was? The closest was DD Eisenhower and some of his policies were straight from Democrats. He got the Interstate highway system built .. a big works project which kept the economy going after WW2 and the Korean War. Sounds more like FDR than any republican.


They never had any. At least in my lifetime.


Parish? Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

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