Why are the environmentalists attacking the United States when the real polluter is China?


Shouldn't they be attacking the biggest polluter FIRST!


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There is a link to the study in that article.  But the alarmists here are closing their ears to reality.  Alarmists are the new deniers. 


Using breitbart as a source!!?? Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!!


we're all Bozos on this bus - the whole China deflection thing is just more pollution.
If we don't ALL work to save the planet, it won't ALL get done - will you be one of the losers - you sound like one already!


How does one attack China if one is not Chinese? Firstly, Chinese citizens are not allowed to protest, and secondly if you wanna deal with China you put a carbon tax on their imports, which requires pressure on the American government

ron h2019-10-04T20:17:36Z

when your reference is breitbart, you have nothing to say.  I didn't open that link. 

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