26 and never had a boyfriend?

I know it sounds crazy, but I'm a 26 year old female who has never had a boyfriend or kissed a guy. 

Certain things in my life pushed good guys away. I was poor, and honestly my parents had nerve having kids. Money was tight, and it was obviously to other kids we were poor. My Mom tried to make it up to us, but my Dad wouldn't work a real job, and he felt he was a great father for just being there. 

I wasn't allowed to do a lot of things. My Dad is abusive and mentally ill. I couldn't have people over because it wasn't safe. My Dad was really crazy then. I couldn't do normal things with people I connected with. No sleepovers, which really got in the way. That meant no church youth group retreats. I didn't get to go on one of those until senior year of high school. No water guns, scooters, or rollerskating. I was finally allowed to have a skateboard when I was 12. 

My Dad holding me back made it hard for me to socialize well. I feel this has spilled over into adulthood.




You've clearly got a lot of emotional baggage and that may be why healthy individuals aren't attracted to you. Get into some talk therapy to work through your past so you don't spend any first dates you have complaining about it. That's the kind of thing that'll guarantee you never get a second date.

Ace Shorty2019-10-16T02:49:11Z

Would you rather not ever being born? They gave you life, you are old enough to do something about it now instead of just complaining about it. You sure you wasn't the 1 who pushed good guys away, perhaps you didn't think you wasn't good enough for them? I know people who were very poor and they went out and made a good life for themselves, maybe you should start trying that yourself.

Pearl L2019-10-14T15:34:59Z

im the same way and never had a boyfriend either and im 59, never been kissed either,never dated, never married, never had kids, my parents were the type that never hugged, wouldnt allow us to have friends over, i think my mother mightve been mentally ill too. mine spilled over into adulthood too,not sure what to tell you except ive been going thru the same thing, maybe you should get some counseling,it might help you out and getting a pet might help too, ive picked up other people's dog and they kissed me when no guy will

♠ Merlin ♠2019-10-14T08:48:20Z

You have been posting now for 3 years about your abusive father.
Approaching 30 years old you still live with him though.

Seems its easier to stand still and blame him for your lack of progress in life, rather than you actually getting out there and start LIVING your life.

Why do you think doing nothing is better than doing something?
OK you MIGHT fail at some things, but that is how we learn, through experience.


That's unfortunate, but what exactly is your question?

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