Relationship help, please?

I’m an open minded person and I’m asking for blunt honesty. I have some anxiety issues so it’s nice to have another point of view on these things. My partner is always doing kind things for me, always faithful, attentive, appreciative, and supportive in every way possible. Except when it comes to my deal breaker, lying. He lies about the following things;

1) porn (he has a long-term addiction he starting to work through)
2) his past with his ex’s

Should I be concerned about these lies? I told him at the beginning, lying was my deal-breaker, but I’ve learned pretty much every guy lies (not to sound sexist, just from my experience) and I don’t wanna leave a good relationship if I’m overreacting. 

I do love him very much, and have never been treated this good in my life. But this has caused a decline in my mental health, as I have trust issues and was open about this from the beginning. 

Thanks for your all’s help! 


If you can't trust him you don't have a "good relationship". You are probably overreacting but as you clearly state you're struggling with mental illness your perceptions may not be accurate. Work harder with your therapist on making yourself healthy and then you'll be able to see with more precision what's really going on here.


there is no perfect person who will fulfill 100% of your needs. each one have their own personal life and space. you need to give people space to breathe not poking into every detail of his life.


Depends on what he is doing. Is he watching porn often and not telling you or lying? Is he still friends with his exes and not letting you know? If he is treating you well and you know he isn't cheering and the porn is occasional then I'd probably let it go. However if he is hanging out with his exes or texting them and not letting you know or if he is watching porn almost daily and lying about it, I wouldn't like it and would consider leaving him.


Porn is normal gay, he cheatin gay, lol ur welcome and thnak you tryna pee pee vee vee wit me tho?