How can this nation progress without enough affordable housing for lower paid workers?

what good are millions of jobs with no where to live? I see it all over Nevada.

Armchair Goddess #12019-11-11T23:46:13Z

Favorite Answer

Run for local office in your state, VAA...It gives  you insight and power to make positive changes.  Here in Missouri you can rent a decent apartment or home for as low as $150 a month all the way up to over $1,000 per month---it depends on what you want.  We also have an uncorrupted HUD program that enabled my daughter and her two little girls to have a subsidized two-bedroom house in a small town for $24 per month, including utilities.  East coast and West coast housing is overpriced---consider moving to the Midwest.  


theres always low income housing

Trump 20202019-11-12T00:57:01Z

Lower paid workers used to strive to improve their  situation by getting more education. Seems like all they want to do now is whine, cry, and expect the Government to give them a free ride.


Put-up a tent on a sidewalk; same as L.A. or San Francisco, huh?


It can’t. Even Slave Owners provided their slaves with shelter.

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