Will they pull the plug on this impeachment hearing?

None of the witnesses are providing any real "meat" for Adam Schiff and his fellow Dems. Not one witness has suggested that any form of bribery transpired. I don't see how this goes on. Thoughts?


It is just smoke to try to turn a few voters against Trump. Just another Democrat dirty trick on the American people. Remember when JFK was shot they cried for gun control, yet any Gun Control laws that meant any thing came from The republican Party. In fact Clinton passed the Brady Bill then refused to fund it so it could not work and die a natural death, and Obama let the Assault Weapon Band set on his desk until it died. In this way Congress has to wait a full year before they try to pass it again. You can thank both of them for the School Shootings we are seeing now.


The dems aren't too bright but smart enough not to impeach. If this goes to the senate then ALL of the witnesses that Schiff for brains won't call to testify will be called by the senate. When those witnesses testify to the criminality of the Bidens and the Obama administration, the dems understand how bad it would be. As stupid as impeachment would be it just won't happen.


You are going to need a crying towel.


In reply to the "I don't know which impeachment you are watching". Yeah, I saw the Fox News version linked from Facebook the other day.  It's pretty much the comic book notes with little words. It doesn't matter what happens, Mainstream America's outrage at Republican corruption is growing daily.

truth seeker2019-11-19T23:03:51Z

There was no real meat expected today by Democrats this afternoon.   Both witnesses were requested by Republicans.

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