Should Republicans ignore tradition, policy, and rules, the way Dems have done for the past 3 years?

Liberal politicians tell local law enforcement not to cooperate with "ICE". Liberals encourage the flood of illegal immigrants. Liberals have trampled on the constitution and liberal judges are mere activists on behalf of their political ideology. And now The dems in the house are preparing to draft articles of impeachment based on speculation, feelings, and here say. They use their "power" as a weapon and toss out any reasonable discretion. What do the republicans do ? Can an opposing party survive through traditional standards if the other party isn't willing to do so? I propose the Repub party can't unless they too behave similarly to the Democratic party. The degradation of norms, fairness, rule of law, paints a future picture of further lawlessness, where upon "tradition" will be tossed aside for political expediency, as indicated by the "impeachment inquiry". Rules will be established to benefit the other party, again, for political expediency. What happens ? Does civil disobedience lead to a police state? Does it lead to a "civil war" ? If we forget our history, we most assuredly are bound to make the sam mistakes.


You're a good story-teller JD. I bet you could be good at telling nonfiction stories too.


There has never been a politician in our country's history that has run roughshod over our standards, values, traditions, rules and laws more than Trump. So start there.

Gary The Liberal Elite2019-11-22T01:37:49Z

Contrary to what Republicans would have you believe, Democrats have NOT spent the last three years trying to overturn an election. The GOP, on the other hand, has spent the last three years trying to defend the fact that they elected a criminal.