Is the nypd a racist police department?

Also is it a racist police department due to its stop and frisk policy?


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"IS" the nypd a "RACIST" police department ? also is it a racist department due to its  stop and frisk  "POLICY " 

 begin by  defining "RACIST / RACISM " to see if it applies  RACIST noun A PERSON who shows or feels discrimination or PRE-judice against people of other races or a PERSON  who "BELIEVES" that a particular "race " ( group of people so labeled due to physical features )  is SUPERIOR  to another .

the question
    is synonymous in saying  that  ALL DOCTORS  that  work at  the Mayo Clinic  show feel or are prejudice again particular group of people and that  DOCTORS  BELIEVE they are a  superior group due to their  physical characteristics .. yet  Doctors  as a profession encompasses  multiple groups of people

 the  DIRECTORS of the mayo clinic put into policy  ALL PATIENTS  will be examined    from head to toe upon  entering the  facility      instead what the NYPD  policy may have ended up facilitating  was SOME or MAJORITY  of people who were subject to stop and frisk  were  TARGETTED  not do to any behavior but rather  merely due to their skin color

 what may be considered RACIST is racial PROFILING the concentration and TARGETING a particular group  of  people  merely based  on  their physical  characteristics called PRE-JUDGING not on any action but rather physical appearance( ie skin color or racial  features )


I think theyve learned a bit over time and incidents. I know the police in lis angeles did a bit of an about face after rodney king and oj
I personally think that the police should use rubber bullets, shoot legs as opposed to chest, and dont be such ******* that the infinitely armed officers need to or r entitled to shoot til their bulletproof armed butth0les dont feel 'threatened'


People can be racist- departments can't. The stop and frisk policy was criticized for being racist, and many police officers were not happy about it. It was only racist in the way it was implemented, with a large proportion of those stopped and frisked being African American. If a policy is applied evenly, it's not racist. 


The police department as a whole is not racist, but almost all of those filthy pigs are.