Mother in-law considering letting her son's friend move in with them?
Long story short my husbands 30 year old brother is an alcohol and still lives at home with their mom. We use to live with her for a while before we finally moved out for our own safety and sanity. Anyway my husbands brother asked their mom if his buddy could live with them "temporarily" until he finds his own place. She said he seems like a nice guy. Doesn't smoke or drink (which seems like a lie considering all his brother's friends are drug dealers and not nice people), has a dog (14 year old that will be living outside since she does not want dogs in the house) and it's xmas so she feels like she can't say no cus it's the season to be nice. She's on the fence about it still because she can't understand why. 35 year old can't get a roommate but she also said she could use the money. Anyway she wanted our opinion about the temporary situation. We don't think it's a good idea but it's her house her rules. We both think it's a little weird (esp since their dad is in tje hospital and isn't supposed to know about it cuz he'll be gone when he gets home supposedly) and aren't sure what to tell her. I'm thinking we should stay out of it and hope it doesn't blow up and we have to be the ones who fix the mess (cuz God forbid my husbands brother is ever responsible for his actions). But we just want his mom to be safe and this situation sounds like a mess.